By Kurt Miller

V60 Brew Guide

The V60 Method: A Gateway to Coffee Flavor Exploration

The V60 method is widely recognized as one of the coffee world's favorites for achieving a clean and pristine flavor profile. Its ability to extract the subtlest nuances from your coffee makes it ideal for discerning palates. Mastering the V60 is a wonderful journey into the delicate intricacies of coffee flavor. This guide is designed for brewing a single cup using the V60.


What You Will Need

  • V60 dripper
  • V60 filter papers
  • 15 grams of coffee
  • Coffee mug or server
  • Kitchen scales
  • Timer
  • Coffee grinder
  • Kettle (preferably a gooseneck kettle)
  • 250 milliliters of freshly boiled water


    1. Start by placing a filter inside the V60, positioning it over your mug or server. Rinse the filter with hot water and then discard the rinse water from your mug.
    2. Grind your coffee to a medium-fine consistency and evenly distribute it into the V60. Give the dripper a few gentle taps to ensure an even coffee bed.
    3. If your kettle has temperature control, set it to 96°C. Otherwise, simply set it to boil. 


    The Blooming Phase

    1. Position the V60 and server on your kitchen scales, then reset the scales to zero. When you're ready to start pouring, begin the timer.
    2. In a slow, circular motion, pour 45 grams of water, ensuring even coverage of all the coffee grounds.
    3. Hold the V60 dripper with both hands and gently swirl it to ensure all the coffee is uniformly wet.
    4. Allow the coffee to bloom for 30 seconds.


    The Brewing Phase

    1. At the 30-second mark, initiate a controlled, spiraling pour, starting from the center and gradually moving out toward the edges of the V60. Maintain this concentric motion until you've poured all the remaining water. Be sure to cover any coffee grounds on the sides of the filter. This should be completed by the 1:15 mark.
    2. Once your pour is complete, give the V60 another gentle swirl.
    3. Let all the brew filter through into your mug or server. The total brewing time should be approximately 2:30 to 3:00 minutes.
    4. Remove the V60 from your mug or server, give the coffee a gentle stir, and savor your brew!