• 15/B Blend
  • 15/B Blend

15/B Blend

  • 15/B Blend
  • Producer Omni Roast
  • Notes Chocolate Fruity & Balanced
  • Origin Brazil and Ethiopia
  • Process Natural
Light Roast 35%
Dark Roast 65%

Whole Bean Coffee
250g (8.8oz) or 1000g (35.3oz)

Minimum resting period:
Filter 7 days
Espresso 14 days

For all brew methods

We have created a blend for you! Based on your interest and demand for a long time, we wanted to make a blend that can be adapted and please the tastes of many people. You can use this chocolatey, fruity and balanced blend for both your own filter coffee and espresso starting this week.

Regular price
Tax included.


15/B stands as the inaugural masterpiece we crafted, born from a simple yet profound vision. In a world of Specialty Coffee marked by divisive flavors, our mission was clear: to create a coffee that embodied sweetness, comfort, and approachability. We aspired to craft a brew that would resonate with everyone, something effortlessly controlled during the extraction process. 15/B has emerged as our flagship, surpassing all other offerings in popularity, a testament to our unwavering commitment to preserving its unique flavor profile.

Within 15/B, you'll discover a symphony of sweet caramelized sugars, a full-bodied roundness, and a vibrant, citrusy finale that leaves a crisp, invigorating aftertaste. Its versatility shines through, harmonizing seamlessly with any meal and complementing both dairy and non-dairy milk alike. To us, 15/B is the embodiment of a harmonious relationship between citric acidity, balance, and rich, full-bodied chocolate notes. It's not just our house blend; it's an invitation for you to make it yours too.

Our Blending Approach

Our approach to crafting blends at Homestead sets us apart. Instead of selecting coffees based on their geographical origins, a common practice to create complex and unified flavor profiles, we take a different path. We begin at the end, starting with the specific flavor profile we desire, emphasizing the acidities, sugars, and fats that will define the coffee. Once this profile is established, as exemplified by the accessible citrus zest, milk chocolate, and candied nuts of 15/B, we embark on a blind tasting journey across a myriad of coffees to find those specific attributes.

This meticulous process ensures that our 15/B blend remains dynamic, with its coffee components updated every 2-3 months. This commitment allows us to maintain a year-round blend of the utmost quality while staying true to the seasonality of coffees. Though our relentless pursuit of perfection through extensive cupping and blending may be time-consuming, we firmly believe it's the key to setting our blends apart.Rest assured that the coffee you savor is always at its peak, boasting its full potential. We'll never compromise our dedication to exceptional coffee, whether it's a single origin release or a blend component. At Homestead, we never source "blender" coffees to cut costs or extend the life of a coffee. Our blends are carefully crafted with no more than three coffees, ensuring that what you extract perfectly mirrors the flavor profile we've meticulously designed.15/B has remained a constant presence since our company's inception, earning its status as our comfort coffee. Regardless of your age, background, coffee expertise, or brewing method, 15/B consistently delights and satisfies.